20 March 2012

Toddlers and Tiara's Update: Stop this nightmare!

If you thumb down and read a couple of posts, you will see that I began using Toddlers and Tiara's as background noise when I am working at home.  Well, that plan is totally backfiring.  I initially started using T&T because I quickly figured out that if I put Star Trek: Next Gen on I would stop doing my work and starting watching television all day long.

However, now I am completely obsessed with T&T and have even caught myself saying things like "Oh, that's cute" or thinking "I can't wait to have a pretty lil' girl so we can do pageants together!" I know. It's scary, but it seems harmless.  So for now, just pray for my soul because I can't stop.  Hopefully all the glitz and glam will wear off, and I'll be back to my normal pageants-freak-me-out self in no time.
I seriously want one of these dresses.  For use in sex role-play  would be too close to wrong for comfort, but simply playing dress up would be almost just as fun.  

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