28 January 2014

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

I read for ten hours straight yesterday in order to conclude Mistborn: The Final Empire and let me tell you I was hooked.  In the very beginning, I was a bit confused.  Now that I finished the book, I can't remember why I was confused, but suffice it to say that I was.  Then about page 50 the book took off and I really got into it. Anywho, I have to get it out of my head and onto paper as to why I thought this book was AMAZING. 

The following is a list of highlights from the book that I noted: **may contain spoilers**

InquisitorsThe second man was tall with a strong build.  As he turned, Kelsier was able to see that a thick metal spike has been pounded tip-first through each eye socket, the nail-like spikes were long enough that their sharp points jutted out about an inch from the back of the man's clean-shaven skull.  The flat spike ends shone like two silvery disks, sticking out of the sockets in the front, where the eyes should have been. 

These guys are absolutely terrifying!  I literally cringed when reading their description and anytime they came into play.  I'm curious to learn (if ever) how exactly the Inquisitors are made. Creepy. 

The Lord Ruler: The lesser of two evils? 

I really loved the originality behind the The Ruler vs. Hero that played out through the diary excerpts.  I was completely stunned when I learned that The Lord Ruler was Rashek (the ultimate Terrisman hater) and had killed the hero (did we even have a name for him?)  Man, evil wins sometimes and then the world is plunged into centuries of tyrannical rule (sort of like American Slavery *burn*). 

What I also found intriguing about the Lord Ruler is that Sanderson hints at him being the lesser of two evils throughout the book.  I mean, the guy obviously did some good, he defeated the deepness.  Or more likely was keeping it in check.  And I quote "You don't know what I do for mankind.  I was your god, even if you couldn't see it.  By killing me, you have doomed yourselves."  Something huge is coming for this world in the following books I am sure.  However, I must note that as a skaa if I had to keep living under the Lord Ruler in skaa-like conditions, I think I might rather have the world destroyed.  

Kelsier: A Self-Made God

Another twist in the plot that completely duped me.  I was sure that Kelsier was going to turn out to be an egotistical maniac like the Lord Ruler that justified future unjust sadistic behavior.  I mean that stunt he pulled pitting the soldiers against one another in the cave hide-out and his self-involved, self-important attitude.  His spreading of god-like mythos about himself and visiting the skaa like Jesus Christesque fashion! I was sure we had another tyrant on our hands that knew what was best for the people. 

Man was I wrong!  I loved Kelsier throughout the book.  A man that can smile through so much hardship and kick butt. *Swoon*.  Hence, my heart broke when he made the ultimate sacrifice.  All of his actions made sense. He didn't want to be a god, but he knew that is exactly what the skaa needed to rebel and I loved him for it. 

Sazed: Refreshing take on Religion

A too common theme in books in general is the corruption/evil of religion. I liked how Sanderson presented the good that religion can do through Sazed.  Sazed states that he believes in all of the religions that he has collected.  When Vin points out that they contradict each other, he replies "Oh, often and frequently they do.  But, I respect the truths behind them all--and I believe in the each one to be remembered."  

We can also see this belief in the importance in the truth behind each religion played out in Kelsier's ultimate plan/sacrifice. 

I loved Vin and her relationship with Elend, but I feel that neither she or this relationship was fleshed out enough for it to be a highlight of the book.  I'm hoping it will be in the following novels.